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Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs)

Image description

Patrick Harvie

Scottish Green Party

MSP for Glasgow (Region) 2003 - present day

About Patrick Harvie

Contact details

Contact online

X (previously known as Twitter): @patrickharvie

Facebook: Patrick's facebook

Contact at the Scottish Parliament

The Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP

Contact at local office

Glasgow Collective
15 East Campbell Street
G1 5DT


Cross-party groups

Patrick is a member of 5 cross-party groups

Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Beer and Pubs


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on End of Life Choices


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Europe


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on LGBTI+


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Science and Technology


Parliamentary and Government Roles

Patrick does not have any parliamentary or government roles

Party Roles

Patrick has 4 party roles

Party Leader

Scottish Green Party

Party Spokesperson on Constitutional Affairs

Scottish Green Party

Party Spokesperson on External Affairs

Scottish Green Party

Party Spokesperson on Net Zero

Scottish Green Party

Previous roles

Patrick has had 39 previous roles

Previous roles in cross-party groups are not included in this list.

21 May 2021 - 01 July 2024

Party Spokesperson on Finance

Scottish Green Party

31 August 2021 - 25 April 2024

Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants' Rights

Scottish Government

17 June 2021 - 30 August 2021

Finance and Public Administration Committee


17 June 2021 - 30 August 2021

Constitution Europe External Affairs and Culture Committee


18 May 2021 - 05 July 2021

parliamentary bureau


05 May 2016 - 04 May 2021

Party Leader

Scottish Green Party

26 May 2016 - 04 May 2021

Party Spokesperson on Finance

Scottish Green Party

26 May 2016 - 04 May 2021

Party Spokesperson on Economy

Scottish Green Party

26 May 2016 - 04 May 2021

Party Spokesperson on Employment

Scottish Green Party

26 May 2016 - 04 May 2021

Party Spokesperson on Equalities

Scottish Green Party

29 June 2016 - 04 May 2021

Local Government and Communities Committee

Substitute Member

29 September 2016 - 04 May 2021

Finance and Constitution Committee


24 September 2020 - 04 May 2021

Standards Procedures and Public Appointments Committee

Deputy Convener

19 December 2018 - 04 May 2021

Culture Tourism Europe and External Affairs Committee

Substitute Member

15 June 2016 - 04 May 2021

parliamentary bureau


16 September 2020 - 24 September 2020

Standards Procedures and Public Appointments Committee


29 June 2016 - 19 December 2018

Justice Committee

Substitute Member

16 June 2016 - 04 September 2018

Standards Procedures and Public Appointments Committee

Deputy Convener

08 June 2016 - 29 September 2016

Finance Committee


08 June 2016 - 16 June 2016

Standards Procedures and Public Appointments Committee


05 May 2011 - 23 March 2016

Party Leader

Scottish Green Party

27 November 2014 - 23 March 2016

Economy Energy and Tourism Committee


27 November 2014 - 23 March 2016

Devolution Further Powers Committee

Substitute Member

01 November 2012 - 27 November 2014

Economy Energy and Tourism Committee

Substitute Member

29 October 2014 - 27 November 2014

Devolution Further Powers Committee


23 October 2012 - 29 October 2014

Referendum Scotland Bill Committee


01 June 2011 - 01 November 2012

Economy Energy and Tourism Committee


23 June 2011 - 01 May 2012

Scotland Bill Committee

Substitute Member

19 June 2007 - 22 March 2011

conveners group


01 December 2008 - 22 March 2011

Party Leader

Scottish Green Party

19 June 2007 - 22 March 2011

Transport Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee


13 June 2007 - 19 June 2007

Transport Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee


28 May 2003 - 02 April 2007

Party Spokesperson on Communities

Scottish Green Party

21 June 2005 - 02 April 2007

Party Spokesperson on Constitutional Affairs

Scottish Green Party

21 June 2005 - 02 April 2007

Party Spokesperson on Europe and External Relations

Scottish Green Party

28 May 2003 - 02 April 2007

Party Spokesperson on Justice

Scottish Green Party

04 June 2003 - 02 April 2007

Communities Committee


08 February 2006 - 02 April 2007

Procedures Committee

Substitute Member

03 September 2003 - 30 January 2006

Equal Opportunities Committee

Substitute Member

Register of interests

Patrick's register of interests

MSPs must provide details of their financial interests in the Register of Interests. They make an initial statement on becoming or being returned as an MSP. This is then updated with any changes they provide.

Here is the register for Patrick Harvie. The date of their initial statement was 26 May 2021.

Remuneration and related undertaking

No registrable interests


No registrable interests

Overseas visits

From 19 July to 6 August 2010 I participated in the International Visitors' Leadership Program in the United States, a three week study programme principally examining US policy on climate change. The costs of meals, travel and accommodation within the US, and occasional expenses, were met by the US Department of State Cultural Affairs Division (of 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20520) to a total of $8,100 which, on 19 July 2010, was equivalent to £5,316. The costs of travel to and from the US were met by me.

Controlled transactions

No registrable interests

Heritable property

No registrable interests

Interest in shares

No registrable interests


I am an associate member of the National Union of Journalists.

I am a member and supporter of Greenpeace.

On Friday 2 May 2014 I was given a bottle of Referendum Blend whisky by the Good Spirits Company, of Bath Street, Glasgow. The retail value of this gift was £69. This gift was given after I had participated in a launch event for the whisky.

I am a member and supporter of Friends of the Earth Scotland.

I am a member and supporter of the Humanist Society of Scotland.

I received a donation of £500 toward election expenses for the 2021 Scottish Parliament election, from the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers.

I am a member and supporter of the Campaign Against the Arms Trade.

I am a supporter of Stonewall Scotland.

I am a member and supporter of the Equality Network.

I am a member of the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (generally referred to as EPF), a networking organisation of parliamentarians from across Europe, including but not limited to EU member states. During Sessions 2 and 3 of the Scottish Parliament I participated at a number of conferences and study visits organised by the EPF, generally funded through the UNFPA or national family planning and sexual health agencies.

I am a Vice-President of the European Movement in Scotland. This position is unpaid, and I receive no other benefits from it. [Registered 23 June 2021]

I received a donation of £500 towards my election expenses for the 2011 Scottish Parliamentary election from the Fire Brigades Union Scotland.

I am a member and supporter of the Campaign for Real Ale.

I am a member and supporter of Amnesty International.

I am a member and supporter of the Poverty Alliance.

Recent Activity

What was said

What Patrick Harvie has said in Parliament

These are the official transcripts of what was said by this MSP in the chamber and at committee meetings. You'll find the topic discussed and how many times this MSP has contributed to the discussion.

Chamber meeting date: 19 September 2024

Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2021 and 2022

Patrick Harvie (Glasgow) (Green): "The only aspect of the report that is a new one on me is not even a change in Scottish Government policy or action; it is a highly technical series of consultations on the ETS, which were conducted using a four-nations approach…

Chamber meeting date: 18 September 2024

Independence Referendum (10th Anniversary)

Patrick Harvie (Glasgow) (Green): "I raise my glass back to Edward Mountain and thank him very much for reminding us all of the vandalism of Alister Jack when he decided to put a wrecking ball through the deposit return scheme, wasting all that investment and the jobs that had been created. That is just one example of his and the previous Government’s contempt for this Parliament,…

Chamber meeting date: 12 September 2024

Green Industrial Strategy

3. Patrick Harvie (Glasgow) (Green): "I certainly agree with the First Minister and others that our thoughts today must be with the workforce and the community affected by the announcement about Grangemouth…

Chamber meeting date: 12 September 2024

Programme for Government (Growing Scotland’s Green Economy)

Patrick Harvie (Glasgow) (Green): "On a matter of pure fact, the member talked about the investment that the oil and gas industry is making tirelessly in the transition…


How Patrick Harvie has voted in Parliament

Find out how Patrick Harvie has voted recently.

Motion ref. S6M-14534.1

Business Programme

Submitted by: Douglas Ross, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party. Date lodged: Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Supported by: Jeremy Balfour, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Jackson Carlaw, Finlay Carson, Sharon Dowey, Tim Eagle, Russell Findlay, Murdo Fraser, Meghan Gallacher, Maurice Golden, Pam Gosal, Jamie Greene, Dr. Sandesh Gulhane, Jamie Halcro Johnston, Rachael Hamilton, Craig Hoy, Liam Kerr, Stephen Kerr, Douglas Lumsden, Roz McCall, Edward Mountain, Oliver Mundell, Graham Simpson, Liz Smith, Alexander Stewart, Sue Webber, Annie Wells, Tess White, Brian Whittle
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 57 for, 69 against, 0 abstained, 3 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Defeated

Motion ref. S6M-14524.1

Creating a Modern, Diverse, Dynamic Scotland

Submitted by: Ash Regan, Edinburgh Eastern, Alba Party. Date lodged: Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 1 for, 125 against, 0 abstained, 3 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Defeated

Motion ref. S6M-14524

Creating a Modern, Diverse, Dynamic Scotland

Submitted by: John Swinney, Perthshire North, Scottish National Party. Date lodged: Monday, September 16, 2024

Supported by: Tom Arthur, Kate Forbes, Jamie Hepburn, Richard Lochhead, Angus Robertson
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 68 for, 56 against, 0 abstained, 5 did not vote

MSP voted for

Vote Passed

Motion ref. S6M-14524.4

Creating a Modern, Diverse, Dynamic Scotland

Submitted by: Douglas Ross, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party. Date lodged: Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 30 for, 96 against, 0 abstained, 3 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Defeated

Motion ref. S6M-14524.2

Creating a Modern, Diverse, Dynamic Scotland

Submitted by: Alex Cole-Hamilton, Edinburgh Western, Scottish Liberal Democrats. Date lodged: Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 56 for, 70 against, 0 abstained, 3 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Defeated



Questions Patrick Harvie has asked

These are the questions that this MSP has asked in Parliament. It also includes any answer to those questions.

Question ref. S6O-03773

Asked by: Harvie, Patrick, Glasgow, Scottish Green Party, Date Lodged: 18 September 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government what discussions the culture secretary has had with the Music Venues Trust regarding the introduction of a ticket levy, on a voluntary or statutory basis, for stadium and arena shows, to support grassroots culture venues."

Taken in the Chamber on 26 September 2024

Question ref. S6F-03322

Asked by: Harvie, Patrick, Glasgow, Scottish Green Party, Date Lodged: 9 September 2024

"Question to be taken in Chamber."

Taken in the Chamber on 12 September 2024

Question ref. S6O-03656

Asked by: Harvie, Patrick, Glasgow, Scottish Green Party, Date Lodged: 28 August 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government what action it has taken to implement the policy announced in March 2022 in regard to companies maintaining trade links with Russia following the invasion of Ukraine."

Taken in the Chamber on 4 September 2024

Question ref. S6W-28716

Asked by: Harvie, Patrick, Glasgow, Scottish Green Party, Date Lodged: 24 July 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on when the final Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan will be published."

Answered by Gillian Martin on 13 August 2024

Question ref. S6W-28756

Asked by: Harvie, Patrick, Glasgow, Scottish Green Party, Date Lodged: 25 July 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government how it enforces the current rules on the use of netting on buildings to prevent birds from nesting or roosting."

Answered by Jim Fairlie on 9 August 2024

Question ref. S6W-28755

Asked by: Harvie, Patrick, Glasgow, Scottish Green Party, Date Lodged: 25 July 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether the current rules on the use of netting on buildings to prevent birds from nesting or roosting are appropriate."

Answered by Jim Fairlie on 9 August 2024

Question ref. S6W-28754

Asked by: Harvie, Patrick, Glasgow, Scottish Green Party, Date Lodged: 25 July 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government whether it will review the current rules on the use of netting on buildings to prevent birds from nesting or roosting, with a view to requiring the use of alternative approaches and reducing harm to wild birds."

Answered by Jim Fairlie on 9 August 2024

Question ref. S6W-28717

Asked by: Harvie, Patrick, Glasgow, Scottish Green Party, Date Lodged: 24 July 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government whether the final Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan will set out further detail about the proposals of the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy for supporting an approach to licensing of oil and gas exploration on a case-by-case basis, and how calculations will be made regarding climate compatibility and…

Answered by Gillian Martin on 6 August 2024

Question ref. S6W-28715

Asked by: Harvie, Patrick, Glasgow, Scottish Green Party, Date Lodged: 24 July 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government, in relation to its Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan, how its proposed climate compatibility assessment for new oil and gas licences, and the methodology that it uses, will demonstrate alignment with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees."

Answered by Gillian Martin on 6 August 2024

Question ref. S6W-28718

Asked by: Harvie, Patrick, Glasgow, Scottish Green Party, Date Lodged: 24 July 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government, in relation to its Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan, whether its proposed approach for supporting a climate compatibility assessment for new oil and gas licences will be the same as the climate compatibility checkpoint that was introduced by the UK Government in 2022, and, if not, what differences there will…

Answered by Gillian Martin on 6 August 2024

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