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Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs)

Members' expenses

MSPs can claim money back for "expenses" (costs).  These must be costs from carrying out their duties in Parliament or helping their constituents. 

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Total costs for the financial year

The SPCB publishes a summary of all the MSP costs for a financial year.

Total Members’ expenditure for 2023-24 and 2022-23

In 2023-24 the total costs reimbursed to or paid on behalf of Members, or borne by the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) on behalf of Members, was £25.359 million. This represented an increase of £1.9 million or 8.1% on the previous year’s corresponding figure of £23.468 million. 

Scheme 2023-24 (£) 2022-23 (£) Change (£) Change %
Expenses 25,313,023 23,439,733 1,873,290 7.99
Party Leaders’ Allowance 46,012 28,220 17,792 63.05
Totals 25,359,035 23,467,953 1,891,082 8.06

Detailed breakdown of Scottish Parliament expenditure

Further details of individual Members’ expenses and categories of expense are provided in the MSP expenses section.

The following information is reported at an aggregate level only for data-protection considerations

  • Salary, pension and national insurance contributions of Members’ employees in 2023-24 was £20,603,621 (2022-23: £19,149,212). This included winding-up costs for Members’ staff of £50,450 in 2023-24 (2022-23: £74,359). There were no winding-up costs for Party Leaders’ staff in 2023-24 or 2022-23.

    Note: Total staff salary costs for each individual Member under the capped Staff Cost Provision Scheme is published for 2023-24. This does not include costs such as Employers’ National Insurance Contributions, pensions or winding-up costs which are met by the SPCB as part of the Reimbursement of Members’ Expenses Scheme rather than allocated out to individual Members.

  • Total expenditure on childcare vouchers for 2023-24 was £4,535 (2022-23: £7,932).

  • Additional central costs met by the Reimbursement of Members’ Expenses Scheme not allocated out to individual Members for Local Office Security Improvements and other security arrangements was £150,258 in 2023-24 (2022-23: £123,553). Total Members own security related and disability provision expenditure for 2023-24 was £34,307 (2022-23: £30,110).

All other expenditure under the Reimbursement of Members’ Expenses Scheme is available in the Members’ Expenses Scheme section, with detail for individual Members.

Equipment, furniture and office supplies

There are arrangements in place for the central provision of equipment, furniture and office supplies to Members, the costs of which are not claimed against expenses. Equipment and furniture is procured for Members’ use but remains the property of the SPCB. 

Expenses rates

The table below indicates expenses and provision limits for 2023-24 and the previous financial year. 

Expenses 2023-24 rate 2022-23 rate
Start-up Provision - per constituency Member for first year following an election only.

Regional Members will be advised on an individual basis.

0 £5,000
Office Cost Provision

Members are able to flex up to £5,000 from Engagement Provision to Office Cost Provision. 

Regional Members will be advised on an individual basis.

Engagement Provision

Members are able to flex up to £5,000 from Engagement Provision to Office Cost Provision. 

Staff Cost Provision


Edinburgh accommodation
Annual Provision


Overnight Limit £215 £189
Overnight Expenses
London, Brussels, Strasbourg £250 £220
UK (excluding Greater London) £215 £189
Motor Mileage 45p per mile up to 10,000 miles
45p per mile up to 10,000 miles
Motor mileage (continued) 25p per mile thereafter
25p per mile thereafter
Motor Cycle 24p per mile
24p per mile
Pedal Cycle 20p per mile
20p per mile
Party Leaders' Allowance
Party with 15 to 29 Members £24,220
Party with 30+ Members £46,002

Office Cost (Constituency Member).

Regional Members will be advised on an individual basis.

£8,367 £7,567

Pay range

The 2023-24 table shows pay ranges for the generic job roles for Members’ staff.

Job Groups Minimum (£) Maximum (£)
Administration and Office Management 20,855 40,021
Casework 25,540 39,048
Communications 26,717 39,719
Research and Policy 28,072 49,265