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Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs)

Image description

Gillian Martin

Scottish National Party

MSP for Aberdeenshire East (Constituency) 2016 - present day

About Gillian Martin

Contact details

Contact online

X (previously known as Twitter): @gillianmsp

Facebook: Gillian's facebook

Contact at the Scottish Parliament

The Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP

Phone: 01651 871750
Text relay calls welcome.

Contact at local office

Suite A, Unit 6
Colpy Business Park
AB51 0FU

Phone: 01651 871750
Text relay calls welcome.

Find out when the MSP's surgery times are on their website.


Gillian is not a member of any committees

Cross-party groups

Gillian is not a member of any cross-party groups

Parliamentary and Government Roles

Gillian has 1 parliamentary and government role

Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy

Scottish Government

Party Roles

Gillian does not have any party roles

Previous roles

Gillian has had 16 previous roles

Previous roles in cross-party groups are not included in this list.

08 May 2024 - 27 June 2024

Minister for Climate Action

Scottish Government

08 February 2024 - 08 May 2024

Minister for Energy, Just Transition and Fair Work

Scottish Government

13 June 2023 - 08 February 2024

Minister for Energy and the Environment

Scottish Government

30 March 2023 - 13 June 2023

Minister for Energy

Scottish Government

22 June 2021 - 18 April 2023

conveners group


22 June 2021 - 11 April 2023

Health Social Care and Sport Committee


17 June 2021 - 22 June 2021

Health Social Care and Sport Committee


11 September 2018 - 04 May 2021

Environment Climate Change and Land Reform Committee


01 September 2020 - 04 May 2021

Equalities and Human Rights Committee


25 February 2020 - 04 May 2021

Finance and Constitution Committee

Substitute Member

11 September 2018 - 04 May 2021

conveners group


06 September 2018 - 11 September 2018

Environment Climate Change and Land Reform Committee


08 June 2016 - 06 September 2018

Economy Jobs and Fair Work Committee


08 June 2016 - 06 September 2018

Education and Skills Committee


01 September 2016 - 28 June 2018

Parliamentary Liaison Officer to the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform

Scottish Government

14 June 2016 - 31 August 2016

Parliamentary Liaison Officer to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work

Scottish Government

Register of interests

Gillian's register of interests

MSPs must provide details of their financial interests in the Register of Interests. They make an initial statement on becoming or being returned as an MSP. This is then updated with any changes they provide.

Here is the register for Gillian Martin. The date of their initial statement was 15 May 2021.

Remuneration and related undertaking

No registrable interests


No registrable interests

Overseas visits

No registrable interests

Controlled transactions

No registrable interests

Heritable property

On 12 August 2021 I acquired a one bedroom cottage in Aberdeenshire with a market value of between £50,001 and £100,00. I derive no income from this property. [Registered 7 September 2021]

Interest in shares

No registrable interests


I am a member of Women for Independence.

Recent Activity

What was said

What Gillian Martin has said in Parliament

These are the official transcripts of what was said by this MSP in the chamber and at committee meetings. You'll find the topic discussed and how many times this MSP has contributed to the discussion.

Chamber meeting date: 17 September 2024

Grangemouth Industrial Cluster

The Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy (Gillian Martin): "The Parliament will be aware that Petroineos, the owner and operator of the Grangemouth refinery, has confirmed its intention to cease refining in quarter 2 of 2025…

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee meeting date: 17 September 2024

Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1

The Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy (Gillian Martin): "I will briefly give a bit of context on the reasons why we have introduced the bill. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to that…

Chamber meeting date: 5 September 2024

COP29 (Priorities)

The Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy (Gillian Martin): "Scotland is committed to playing our part at COPs, working with international partners to secure a global transition to a net zero and resilient future in a way that is fair and just for all…

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee meeting date: 3 September 2024

Environmental Protection (Single-use Vapes) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 [Draft]

The Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy (Gillian Martin): "I will keep it brief, convener. Thank you for the invitation to give you evidence this morning. We want to ban the sale and supply of single-use vapes in order to make our communities greener and healthier…


How Gillian Martin has voted in Parliament

Find out how Gillian Martin has voted recently.

Motion ref. S6M-14534.1

Business Programme

Submitted by: Douglas Ross, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party. Date lodged: Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Supported by: Jeremy Balfour, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Jackson Carlaw, Finlay Carson, Sharon Dowey, Tim Eagle, Russell Findlay, Murdo Fraser, Meghan Gallacher, Maurice Golden, Pam Gosal, Jamie Greene, Dr. Sandesh Gulhane, Jamie Halcro Johnston, Rachael Hamilton, Craig Hoy, Liam Kerr, Stephen Kerr, Douglas Lumsden, Roz McCall, Edward Mountain, Oliver Mundell, Graham Simpson, Liz Smith, Alexander Stewart, Sue Webber, Annie Wells, Tess White, Brian Whittle
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 57 for, 69 against, 0 abstained, 3 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Defeated

Motion ref. S6M-14524.1

Creating a Modern, Diverse, Dynamic Scotland

Submitted by: Ash Regan, Edinburgh Eastern, Alba Party. Date lodged: Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 1 for, 125 against, 0 abstained, 3 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Defeated

Motion ref. S6M-14524

Creating a Modern, Diverse, Dynamic Scotland

Submitted by: John Swinney, Perthshire North, Scottish National Party. Date lodged: Monday, September 16, 2024

Supported by: Tom Arthur, Kate Forbes, Jamie Hepburn, Richard Lochhead, Angus Robertson
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 68 for, 56 against, 0 abstained, 5 did not vote

MSP voted for

Vote Passed

Motion ref. S6M-14524.4

Creating a Modern, Diverse, Dynamic Scotland

Submitted by: Douglas Ross, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party. Date lodged: Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 30 for, 96 against, 0 abstained, 3 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Defeated

Motion ref. S6M-14524.2

Creating a Modern, Diverse, Dynamic Scotland

Submitted by: Alex Cole-Hamilton, Edinburgh Western, Scottish Liberal Democrats. Date lodged: Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Result 56 for, 70 against, 0 abstained, 3 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Defeated



Questions Gillian Martin has asked

These are the questions that this MSP has asked in Parliament. It also includes any answer to those questions.

Question ref. S6O-02011

Asked by: Martin, Gillian, Aberdeenshire East, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 8 March 2023

"To ask the Scottish Government what it is doing to prevent foetal alcohol spectrum disorder."

Taken in the Chamber on 15 March 2023

Question ref. S6O-01861

Asked by: Martin, Gillian, Aberdeenshire East, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 25 January 2023

"To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the development of a Menopause Specialist Network."

Taken in the Chamber on 2 February 2023

Question ref. S6O-01835

Asked by: Martin, Gillian, Aberdeenshire East, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 18 January 2023

"To ask the Scottish Government how it is tackling the gender pay gap."

Taken in the Chamber on 26 January 2023

Question ref. S6O-01799

Asked by: Martin, Gillian, Aberdeenshire East, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 11 January 2023

"To ask the Scottish Government what it is doing to help recovery from adverse childhood experiences."

Taken in the Chamber on 19 January 2023

Question ref. S6O-01711

Asked by: Martin, Gillian, Aberdeenshire East, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 14 December 2022

"To ask the Scottish Government how it is addressing any impact of the EU Withdrawal Agreement on the seed potato sector."

Taken in the Chamber on 22 December 2022

Question ref. S6W-12868

Asked by: Martin, Gillian, Aberdeenshire East, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 5 December 2022

"To ask the Scottish Government what engagement it has had with the UK Government regarding the graduate visa scheme, with a view to allowing overseas nationals to remain in Scotland for longer than two years after successfully completing a course."

Answered by Neil Gray on 12 December 2022

Question ref. S6F-01585

Asked by: Martin, Gillian, Aberdeenshire East, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 28 November 2022

"To ask the First Minister what impact any proposed reduction in the number of overseas student visas will have on Scottish universities."

Taken in the Chamber on 1 December 2022

Question ref. S6W-12106

Asked by: Martin, Gillian, Aberdeenshire East, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 10 November 2022

"To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on the repatriation of funding from the Dick Bequest, which was reportedly gained through slavery in Jamaica and is used to fund educational projects in Aberdeenshire."

Answered by Christina McKelvie on 23 November 2022

Question ref. S6O-01593

Asked by: Martin, Gillian, Aberdeenshire East, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 16 November 2022

"To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on progress on the A96 appraisal."

Taken in the Chamber on 24 November 2022

Question ref. S6O-01516

Asked by: Martin, Gillian, Aberdeenshire East, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 2 November 2022

"To ask the Scottish Government how it is supporting the training of advanced clinical practitioners."

Taken in the Chamber on 9 November 2022

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