The committee will meet at 9:00am at and will be broadcast on
1. Declaration of interests: Alexander Stewart MSP and Meghan Gallagher MSP will be invited to declare any relevant interests.
2. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 7-12 in private.
3. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on the following SSIs Town and Country Planning (Amendment of National Planning Framework) (Scotland) Regulations 2024;Masterplan Consent Area Scheme (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2024;Town and Country Planning (Amendment of Local Development Plan) (Scotland) Regulations 2024; andTown and Country Planning (Masterplan Consent Areas) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 from—
- Ivan McKee, Minister for Public Finance, Scottish Government
- Kristen Anderson, Head of Development Planning, Scottish Government
- Ruairidh Anderson, Senior Policy Manager, Scottish Government
- William Carlin, Senior Policy Manager, Scottish Government
4. Subordinate legislation: Minister for Public Finance to move—S6M-14644— That the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee recommends that the Town and Country Planning (Amendment of National Planning Framework) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 [draft] be approved.
5. Subordinate legislation: Minister for Public Finance to move—S6M-14815— That the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee recommends that the Masterplan Consent Area Scheme (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 [draft] be approved.
6. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments— Town and Country Planning (Masterplan Consent Areas) (Scotland) Regulations 2024Town and Country Planning (Amendment of Local Development Plan) (Scotland) Regulations 2024Building (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2024
7. Consideration of evidence: The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting under item 3.
8. Pre-Budget Scrutiny: The Committee will consider a draft letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government.
9. Tracker report 2023-24: The Committee will consider a draft report.
10. Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committees inquiry into Framework legislation and Henry VIII powers: The Committee will consider a draft response to the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee.
11. Scrutiny of Ombudsman, Regulators, Commissions and Commissioner accountable to the Committee: The Committee will further consider its approach to the inquiry.
12. Short-term Lets: The Committee will further consider its approach to the implementation update.
13. Housing (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will further consider a draft Stage 1 report.
For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, Euan Donald on 85212 or at [email protected]