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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Chamber and committees

Local Government and Communities Committee

Meeting date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Draft Annual Report

The Convener

That takes us to agenda item 4. The committee will consider a draft annual report for the parliamentary year from 12 May 2016 to 11 May 2017. The report fulfils standing order 12.9, which requires a committee to publish a report that highlights its activities during the year. An updated photograph of the committee will be taken at next week’s meeting to replace the photo that is currently in the introduction—best bib and tucker for that, members.

I invite members to consider the report. I will invite comments as we go through it. If members bear with me, I will get my copy of it. [Interruption.] We can go through it relatively briefly. Rather than discuss each page, which does not make much sense, I will give members a few minutes to look through the report, which they have in front of them.

Do members wish to make any observations? I am sure that they all read it thoroughly before they came to the meeting. We apologise to the wider public, who have to look at photographs of us in the report.

Mr Wightman, do you want to make a comment?

No, I am content with the draft.

The Convener

In that case, do members agree to a publication date of Wednesday 31 May 2017 with the updated photo?

Members indicated agreement.

We now move to agenda item 5, which is consideration of evidence and is in private.

12:05 Meeting continued in private until 12:32.