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Language: English / GĂ idhlig

Chamber and committees

Local Government Committee, 12 Jan 2000

Meeting date: Wednesday, January 12, 2000


Deputy Convener

The Convener:

The next item on the agenda is the choice of the deputy convener of this committee. As members know, there has been an agreement about the appointment of deputy conveners for committees. For this committee, the deputy convener will come from the Labour party. The nomination from the Labour party is Johann Lamont. I suggest that we agree that nomination.

Can we nominate someone else? [Laughter.]

No. Do members agree with the nomination?

Johann Lamont was elected deputy convener by acclamation.

Johann, do you want to say something?

Johann Lamont (Glasgow Pollok) (Lab):

I am not sure whether this is the point at which I become tearful and thank my mother, my family and everyone who knows me. I certainly thank the committee for agreeing to the nomination, and I look forward to working with Trish Godman. Members may think that she is firm in the chair, but 20 years as a schoolteacher has made me even worse. They should hope that Trish is in the chair as often as possible. Thanks very much.

I have now changed my mind. [Laughter.]

Members may be interested to note that, at one point in our history, Johann was the chair and I was the vice-chair of the Hillhead Labour party. As a duo, we were kept very busy.