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Language: English / GĂ idhlig


Chamber and committees

Rural Affairs and Islands Committee

Minutes: 07 December 2022

Wednesday, 07 December 2022

33rd Meeting, 2022


1. Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Bill:

The Committee considered the Bill at Stage 2 (Day 1).


The following amendments were agreed to (without division): 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155


The following amendments were disagreed to (by division)—
1 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

2 (For 2, Aganst 7, Abstain 0)

132 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

133 (For 2, Against 6, Abstain 1)

58 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

63 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

64 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

65 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

66 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

68 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

3 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

4 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

134 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

135 (For 2, Against 6, Abstain 1)

59 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

5 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

6 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

136 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

137 (For 2, Against 6, Abstain 1)

60 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

110 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

7 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

8 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

138 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

139 (For 2, Against 6, Abstain 1)

61 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

35 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

111 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

112 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)

9 (For 2, Against 7, Abstain 0)


The following amendments were moved and, no member having objected, withdrawn: 131


The following amendments were not moved: 67


The following provisions were agreed to as amended: sections 1; 2


The Committee ended consideration of the Bill for the day amendment 9 having been disposed of.


Edward Mountain MSP declared an interest as a farmer.



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