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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Chamber and committees

Raibeart MacCaluim

  • Submitted by: Michael Russell, Argyll and Bute, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Friday, 19 December 2014
  • Motion reference: S4M-11934

That the Parliament notes the 68 consecutive appearances at the Royal National Mod of Raibeart MacCaluim from Campbeltown, who attended his first national Mod in Perth in 1947 at the age of nine when he sang with the Campbeltown Junior Gaelic Choir; understands that he sang for 13 years at the Mod with the Campbeltown Senior Gaelic Choir, has conducted both ladies' and men's choirs, including the Glasgow Hebridean Choir, which he founded in 1968 and which, under his leadership, won the Lovat and Tullibardine Shield three times; recognises that, as a solo singer, he was the runner up for the Gold Medal in 1962; believes that he has competed in and attended innumerable local and regional mods and still does so while also adjudicating and teaching Gaelic singing;  looks forward to his continuing involvement in Gaelic music for many years to come, and thanks him for his enthusiastic and unprecedented service to Gaelic language and culture.

The member has provided the following translation:

Gu bheil a’ Phàrlamaid a’ toirt fa-near gu bheil Raibeart MacCaluim à Ceann Loch Cille Chiarain air a bhith an làthair aig a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail airson 68 bliadhna an sreath ri chèile às dèidh dha dhol don chiad Mòd Nàiseanta aige ann am Peairt ann an 1947 agus e 9 bliadhna a dh’aois nuair a sheinn e le Coisir Òigridh Chean Loch Chille Chiarain; gu bheil i a’ tuigsinn gun do sheinn e fad 13 bliadhna ann an Àrd-Choisir Cheann Loch Chille Chiarain, gu bheil e air an dà chuid còisirean nam ban agus nam fear a stiùireadh, a’ gabhail a-staigh Coisir Innse Ghall Ghlaschu, a stèidhich e fhèin ann an 1968 agus a bhuannaich Sgiath MhicShimidh is Thulaich Bhàrdainn trì tursan; gu bheil i ag aithneachadh gun robh e san dàrna àite mar seinneadair sa Bhonn Òir ann an 1962; gu bheil i a’ creidsinn gu bheil e air pàirt a ghabhail ann iomadh iomadh Mòd ionadail is sgìreil agus gum bi e fhathast a’ dèanamh seo a bharrachd air a bhith na bhritheamh agus a’ teagasg seinn sa Ghàidhlig; agus gu bheil i a’ an dùil gun lean e air le ceòl Gàidhlig airson iomadh bliadhna ri teachd; agus gu bheil i a’ toirt taing dha airson a sheirbheis dhealasach gun choimeas don Ghàidhlig agus cultar na Gàidhlig.

Supported by: Colin Beattie, Chic Brodie, Roderick Campbell, Nigel Don, John Finnie, Kenneth Gibson, Rob Gibson, Adam Ingram, Bill Kidd, Richard Lyle, Angus MacDonald, Mike MacKenzie, Hanzala Malik, Joan McAlpine, Jamie McGrigor, Anne McTaggart, Gil Paterson, Dennis Robertson, Mary Scanlon, Kevin Stewart, Dave Thompson, David Torrance, Jean Urquhart, Sandra White, John Wilson