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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Chamber and committees

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid)

Meeting date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Business Motion

The Presiding Officer (Ken Macintosh)

The next item of business is consideration of business motion S5M-24397, in the name of Graeme Dey, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, setting out a business programme.

Motion moved,

That the Parliament agrees—

(a) the following programme of business—

Tuesday 23 March 2021 (Hybrid)

2.00 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by First Minister’s Statement: COVID-19: Reflections and Next Steps

followed by Topical Questions

followed by Ministerial Statement: Implications of the administration of Greensill Capital UK for Businesses in Scotland

followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: European Charter of Local Self-Government (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill

followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Tied Pubs (Scotland) Bill

followed by Committee Announcements

followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

7.35 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 24 March 2021 (Hybrid)

12.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

12.30 pm First Minster’s Questions

2.30 pm Portfolio Questions:
Education and Skills;
Health and Sport;
Communities and Local Government

followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill

followed by Motion of thanks

6.20 pm Decision Time

(b) that, for the purposes of Portfolio Questions in the week beginning 22 March 2021, in rule 13.7.3, after the word “except” the words “to the extent to which the Presiding Officer considers that the questions are on the same or similar subject matter or” are inserted.—[Graeme Dey]

Motion agreed to.