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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Chamber and committees

Meeting of the Parliament

Meeting date: Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body Motions

The Presiding Officer (Ken Macintosh)

The next item of business is consideration of motion S5M-05575, in the name of Andy Wightman, on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body, on membership of the Scottish Commission for Public Audit.

Motion moved,

That the Parliament agrees to the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body’s proposal to appoint Bill Bowman to be a member of the Scottish Commission for Public Audit.—[Andy Wightman]

The Presiding Officer

The next item of business is consideration of motions S5M-06002 to S5M-06004, in the name of David Stewart, on behalf of the SPCB, on the appointment of trustees to the Scottish parliamentary contributory pension fund.

Motions moved,

That the Parliament appoints Mark Ruskell MSP as a Fund trustee of the Scottish Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund, further to his nomination for such appointment by the Parliamentary corporation.

That the Parliament appoints Pauline McNeill MSP as a Fund trustee of the Scottish Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund, further to her nomination for such appointment by the Parliamentary corporation.

That the Parliament appoints Alison Harris MSP as a Fund trustee of the Scottish Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund, further to her nomination for such appointment by the Parliamentary corporation.—[David Stewart]