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Chamber and committees

Dundee Teacher's Book to Support Children

  • Submitted by: Bill Bowman, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 18 August 2020
  • Motion reference: S5M-22453

That the Parliament welcomes the news that Nicky Murray, head of Claypotts Primary School in Dundee, has written a book to support children's mental health; understands that he was worried about how youngsters have been affected by the lockdown and penned the story to encourage families to talk about their feelings; further understands that the book, The Little Iceberg, sold 1,000 copies in the first six weeks of publication, and has been added to the curriculum of some schools as part of an increased focus on wellbeing, as well as being sold as far afield as Canada and Australia, and thanks Nicky for his hard work on this project.

Supported by: Jeremy Balfour, Michelle Ballantyne, Miles Briggs, Donald Cameron, Peter Chapman, Maurice Corry, Murdo Fraser, Jamie Greene, Bill Kidd, Margaret Mitchell, John Scott, Alexander Stewart, Brian Whittle