That the Parliament notes with grave concern what it believes is the regular transportation of nuclear weapons on roads throughout Scotland; understands that, in the early hours of the morning of 29 January 2014, a 19-vehicle convoy, which was transporting nuclear weapons from the Atomic Weapons Establishment in Berkshire to Coulport on Loch Long, used the M74 to drive through Glasgow; further understands that such convoys do not carry radiation warning symbols and neither the public nor the local authority areas that they pass through are warned about the material being transported; believes that the majority of the people of Glasgow and Scotland remain opposed to the UK Government's policy of maintaining and upgrading the Trident system, and hopes that public awareness of what it sees as this ongoing and dangerous practice will strengthen the calls to rid Scotland of nuclear weapons once and for all.
Supported by:
George Adam, Clare Adamson, Colin Beattie, Marco Biagi (Registered interest)
, Chic Brodie, Willie Coffey, Graeme Dey, Nigel Don, Bob Doris, James Dornan, Annabelle Ewing, Linda Fabiani, John Finnie, Kenneth Gibson, Rob Gibson, Patrick Harvie, Adam Ingram, Colin Keir, Richard Lyle, Angus MacDonald, Gordon MacDonald, Mike MacKenzie, John Mason, Stewart Maxwell, Joan McAlpine, Mark McDonald, Christina McKelvie, Aileen McLeod, Fiona McLeod, Stuart McMillan, Gil Paterson, Dennis Robertson, Kevin Stewart, Dave Thompson, David Torrance, Jean Urquhart, Maureen Watt, Sandra White, John Wilson (Registered interest)