That the Parliament acknowledges what it sees as the tireless work of the Friends of St Fittick’s Park campaign, and many others, to save St Fittick’s Park and its restored wetlands in Torry, Aberdeen, from industrial development; is bitterly disappointed by the recent decision of Aberdeen City Council to explore leasing of the site for industrial development and believes this decision to be a betrayal of the people of Torry, of citizens across the city, and of future generations; notes the reported opinion of health professionals, who, it understands, have testified to the vital importance of St Fittick’s Park as the only local, accessible green space in alleviating the effects of poverty and exclusion; believes that St Fittick’s Park must be fully protected as a community green space and a place for nature, as part of an environmentally and socially just transition, and expresses solidarity with the community as it explores further options to protect what it sees as this vital green space.
Supported by:
Ariane Burgess, Gillian Mackay, Mark Ruskell, Mercedes Villalba