Current status: Answered by Jenni Minto on 16 January 2025
To ask the Scottish Government what measures are in place to address the reportedly high number of babies being born with a drug dependency.
We are committed to giving every child in Scotland the best start in life. Women affected by substance use should be able to get the help they need, free from judgement and stigma, throughout the perinatal period.
All Health Boards have guidance for health professionals to ensure pregnant women with substance use issues receive the support they need to reduce the risk of adverse effects on their child and we have also asked Health Boards to prioritise continuity of midwifery care for women affected by substance use.
In March 2024, we brought together an expert working group who are developing a good practice guide to support local areas to do more to meet the needs of women affected by substance use and their infants during pregnancy and the first postnatal year.
The third sector plays a key role for families in providing access to perinatal mental health support, and the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Fund offers funding to third sector organisations who provide support services to women, including those affected by substance use, during this period. Many of these services provide emotional and practical support to families throughout pregnancy and create a trauma informed environment where parents are supported to give their babies the best possible start in life. We are investing a further £1.5 million over 18 months through this fund, which will continue until March 2026.