Current status: Answered by Jenni Minto on 15 April 2024
To ask the Scottish Government how many capital funding awards have been made from the Scottish Dental Access Initiative, broken down by (a) NHS board, (b) dental provider and (c) amount awarded.
In the following table I have outlined the amount of grant money awarded to each board since 2007. We are unable to confirm the amount to each dental provider as it would potentially breach commercial in confidence.
NHS Board | Number of grants | Total amount awarded |
Ayrshire and Arran | 13 | £1,770,058.00 |
Borders | 7 | £753,501.00 |
Dumfries and Galloway | 7 | £740,000.00 |
Fife | 25 | £2,336,573.00 |
Forth Valley | 7 | £1,000,000.00 |
Grampian | 24 | £2,915,000.00 |
Greater Glasgow and Clyde | 39 | £4,279,112.00 |
Highland | 17 | £1,770,865.00 |
Lanarkshire | 24 | £2,656,272.00 |
Lothian | 25 | £2,239,215.00 |
Orkney | 2 | £225,000.00 |
Shetland | 1 | £175,000.00 |
Tayside | 24 | £2,275,000.00 |
Western Isles | 1 | £175,000.00 |
Total | 216 | £23, 310,596.00 |