Current status: Answered by Elena Whitham on 11 December 2023
To ask the Scottish Government how many people have been found in possession of drugs in each year since 2021, also broken down by (a) class of drugs and (b) how many were (i) issued with a Recorded Police Warning (ii) referred to the prosecution service.
a) The Scottish Government collect data on police recorded crimes. In 2020-21 the police recorded 30,344 crimes of drugs possession, in 2021-22 they recorded 23,747 crimes of drugs possession and in 2022-23 they recorded 22,356 crimes of drugs possession. Scottish Government also publish additional information on Drugs Seizures and Offender Characteristics . The most recent publication contains data relating to the 2020-21 and 2021-22 financial years. Table 4b of this publication (copied below) provides estimated numbers of drug possession crimes by drug classification. The data presented in this table is based on a random sample of cases recorded by the police. As this analysis is based on a sample of police records (rather than all records), the counts presented in the table are estimates. The true value may differ slightly from the findings presented below due to sampling error.
Estimated number of drug possession crimes by drug classification, 2020-21 to 2021-22
Drug Class | 2020-21 | 2021-22 |
Class A | 5,100 | 3,800 |
Class B | 16,800 | 14,700 |
Class C | 7,400 | 4,800 |
Unclassified/Unknown | 1,100 | 500 |
Total | 30,344 | 23,747 |
Source: Drug Seizures and Offender Characteristics, 2020-21 and 2021-22
Data on Recorded Police Warnings are published as part of the Criminal Proceedings in Scotland publications . The most recent publication contains data relating to the 2021-22 financial year.
Recorded Police Warnings issued by drug classification, 2020-21 to 2021-22
Class of Drug | 2020-21 | 2021-22 |
Class A | 4 | 219 |
Class B | 3,375 | 2,810 |
Class C | 22 | 82 |
Unknown | 3,043 | 2,447 |
Total | 6,444 | 5,558 |
Source: Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2021-22
Data relating to drugs possession charges are published by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service. Data for 2020-21 onwards is provided below.
Drugs possession charges reported to COPFS 1 April 2020 - 30 November 2023
Class of Drug | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24* |
Class A | 5,857 | 4,437 | 4,360 | 2,463 |
Class B | 10,462 | 7,915 | 7,242 | 3,864 |
Class C | 6,909 | 5,203 | 4,908 | 2,228 |
Total | 23,228 | 17,555 | 16,510 | 8,555 |
Source:- COPFS
*2023-24 relates to charges reported 1 April 2023-30 November 2023