Current status: Initiated by the Scottish Government. Answered by John Swinney on 31 October 2019
To ask the Scottish Government when figures showing local authority and school level spend of Pupil Equity Funding in 2018-19 will be published.
Figures showing 2018-19 Pupil Equity Funding levels of spend, at both Local Authority and School level, were published on 31 October 2019 and are available to access here:-
With £122.258m Pupil Equity Funding allocated in 2018-19, alongside the £47.667m carry over from 2017-18, there was almost £170 million of PEF available for schools in 2018-19. £132,266m of this was spent across Scotland, which equates to 78% of available PEF, a significant increase from the £72.540m spent in 2017-18 which equated to 60%.
Cumulatively, over 2017-18 and 2018-19, £204.806m has been invested of the £242.466m (84%) allocated PEF across the two years, with £37.660m carried forward.