Current status: Initiated by the Scottish Government. Answered by Maureen Watt on 15 September 2016
To ask the Scottish Government what progress it has made on the development of the next mental health strategy.
On 29 July 2016, the Scottish Government published an engagement paper, ‘Mental Health in Scotland – a 10 year vision’. The paper provides an overview of the priorities that we think will deliver significant improvements to the mental health of the population of Scotland. Our proposed priorities are structured around the life stages of ‘start well’, ‘live well’ and ‘age well’.
We are currently seeking views on our priorities for transforming mental health in Scotland, the early actions we propose to take to deliver this transformation, and how we should measure success over the ten year period which the new strategy will cover. The deadline for written responses is 16 September 2016, and we are holding a series of public events across Scotland to help us gather views.
We want the next mental health strategy to focus on the things that will make a real difference to mental health and wellbeing in Scotland. The progress made over summer recess will help ensure that we have a clear understanding of people’s views on how we can best do that.
Following our careful consideration of the views we have received, the new Mental Health Strategy will be published in late 2016.