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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Chamber and committees

Meeting of the Parliament

Meeting date: Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Presiding Officer’s Statement

The Presiding Officer (Ken Macintosh)

Good afternoon. Before we move to the first item of business, I would like to inform members that I have decided to change the guidance on conduct in the chamber, to allow members to make greater use of electronic devices. With that in mind, I have arranged for wi-fi to be enabled in the chamber for members’ use. [Applause.] That is noted—as are those not applauding.

My decision is in line with the Parliament’s commitment to invest in online access to allow members to work digitally. It is part of my ambition to promote a modern, accessible Parliament. The decision is effective as of now.

If members wish to use devices in the chamber for social media in a parliamentary context, I have no difficulty with that, but I emphasise the need for courtesy and respect for other members and for the parliamentary business in hand. That translates as: “You can tweet but you certainly cannot play Candy Crush.”

I will write to you all this week to give further guidance on the implications of the change. In the meantime, I remind members that at all times you should maintain courtesy and respect for one another and you should not behave in a way that interferes with the proper conduct of business in the chamber.