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Chamber and committees

Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee

Meeting date: Thursday, November 23, 2017



The Deputy Convener

Item 2 is the process for appointing a new committee convener. The Parliament has previously agreed that only members of the Scottish National Party are eligible for nomination as convener of this committee.

I understand that Clare Haughey has been nominated for the post. Just to be absolutely clear, are there any other, late nominees for the post? If not, I ask the committee to agree to choose Clare Haughey as our new convener.

Clare Haughey was chosen as convener.

The Deputy Convener

Thank you. I congratulate Clare on her appointment and I take this opportunity to record—on behalf of all of us, I am sure—the committee’s thanks to Clare Adamson, who has been the committee convener since the start of this parliamentary session. She is joining the Social Security Committee, and I am sure that we wish her well in her new role.

With that, I hand over the chair to the new convener.

The Convener (Clare Haughey)

Thank you, Mr Harvie. I thank the committee for the nomination. It is a great honour to be appointed as convener of the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee.

We move into private for our final item, which is consideration of the committee’s approach to its inquiry into sexual harassment.

10:02 Meeting continued in private until 10:54.  

