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Chamber and committees

Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee

Committee effectiveness


The Committee has agreed to undertake an inquiry into committee effectiveness. Committee effectiveness is about looking at how committees work and whether there are things which could help them work better.

To help the Committee find this out, the Committee is looking for an answer to the following question:

“Are there changes to the Parliament’s procedures and practices which would help committees to work more effectively?”

To answer this question, the Committee will consider three themes:


The current structure of committees, the best size of membership and the number of committees. The remit of committees, including whether they should mirror the Scottish Government Ministerial portfolios or whether a different approach could be taken.

The key questions the Committee will seek to answer on this theme is:

  • Are there structural and procedural changes which would improve committee scrutiny?
  • Are there structural and procedural changes which would allow committees to be more effective with their time?
  • Are there changes which would help committees better carry out scrutiny.

Elected Conveners

The Committee has already consulted on the practical operation of elected conveners. The Committee will consider what cultural changes it thinks elected conveners would bring to the operation of committees.

The key question the Committee will seek to answer on this theme is:

  • Would elected conveners strengthen the Committees of the Parliament, and if so, how?


The Committee will consider how committees currently evaluate their work and whether there are changes or improvements which could be made.

This may include approaches to pre and post legislative scrutiny and considerations of how work is planned to build in evaluation and reflection.

The key questions the Committee will seek to answer on this theme is:

  • Are there additional opportunities for committees to evaluate and reflect on work they undertake?
  • How time can be built into work programmes for evaluation by committees of their own approaches, especially where these may be new?


The Committee will seek to engage a cross section of current Members of the Parliament in the inquiry.

The Committee will also seek the views and experiences of those outwith the Parliament.

It is expected that the Committee will hold oral evidence sessions early in 2025 and report to the Parliament in April 2025.

Committee Adviser wanted

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