The Committee held a roundtable evidence session on inshore fisheries on 26 October 2022. The session included stakeholders from the both the fishing and environmental sectors and was designed to support the Committee’s understanding of key issues affecting Scotland’s inshore fisheries. The Committee will use this evidence to inform its future work programme.
The Committee has agreed to consider inshore fisheries issues in more detail later in the parliamentary session.
SPICe paper on Science and data in inshore fisheries management (553KB, pdf) posted 30 October 2024
SPICe paper on Governance of inshore fisheries (335KB, pdf) posted 30 October 2024
The inquiry was discussed at the following Committee meetings:
The Committee has sent and received the following correspondence during the inquiry:
Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands, 26 November 2024
Joint submission for the round table evidence session on 26 October 2022