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About the Scottish Parliament

International strategy for Session 6


Long-term programming and relations

17. Session 5 saw a change in the Parliament’s focus in creating opportunities to work and collaborate with other legislatures and organisations, all aimed at developing the skills, knowledge and experience of MSPs in key aspects of their role as a parliamentarian and enhancing the Parliament’s profile. These are specific relationships which it creates with other legislatures and international organisations.

18. The work of the Scottish Parliament continues to draw interest from other legislatures and organisations across the world. There are countries with which Scotland has long standing historical ties, and there are several parliaments which this Parliament has consistently engaged with since 1999. It is important to extract benefits from such bonds and friendships.

19. The Parliament will continue to develop one-to-one relationships with other legislatures and organisations. These can allow the Parliament to plan its international work further ahead and tie this directly to the three core elements above.

20. Such relationships won’t be set out in written bilateral agreements but recognised and promoted as more bespoke and seen by both sides as opportunities to co-operate informally and exchange knowledge, skills and expertise on areas of common interest (most likely on the policy front), to generate new ideas and approaches, and strengthen international bonds. Again, this aspect of the Parliament’s core international work can provide unique opportunities for Members to participate in activities which not only develop them as parliamentarians but enhances the reputation internationally of the Parliament itself.

21. This longer-term programming work is led by the Presiding Officer and the SPCB to whom the IRO will consult on any firm proposals and update as part of its six-monthly reports to the SPCB.