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Chamber and committees

Royal Pharmaceutical Society Position Statement on Women's Health

  • Submitted by: Gillian Mackay, Central Scotland, Scottish Green Party.
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 21 July 2021
  • Motion reference: S6M-00730

That the Parliament notes the publication of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s position statement on women’s health; understands that pharmacy is the third largest healthcare profession, with pharmacists working in community pharmacies, GP practices, care homes, urgent care, hospitals and specialist services, and that the pharmacy workforce is predominantly made up of women; acknowledges that pharmacists can help mitigate health inequalities through the provision of a range of public health services, particularly primary disease prevention and management, and that they provide support to women in a range of areas, including menstrual health and dysfunction, contraception and sexual health, pregnancy and breastfeeding, menopause, bladder issues, mental health, and recognising and supporting trauma; understands that many women’s health issues are associated with stigma and that pharmacists play an important role in normalising conversations about women’s health; agrees that there should be greater focus on women’s health and that pharmacists can play an important role in improving women’s healthcare; notes the recommendations contained within the statement, which include the introduction of improved guidance on medication in pregnancy and breastfeeding, women’s health being covered in undergraduate training for pharmacists, and the establishment of a single shared electronic patient record with read/write access for all, including pharmacists and patients; acknowledges pharmacy’s role in the delivery of transgender and non-binary healthcare; considers that it is vital that pharmacy provides a safe environment for transgender and non-binary people to seek health advice, and believes that pharmacists and pharmacy teams are uniquely placed to provide expert advice on medicines and healthcare and to prescribe and supply medicines to women at all stages of their lives, and that greater understanding of pharmacists’ role among the public and other health professionals is essential.

Supported by: Karen Adam, Clare Adamson, Stephanie Callaghan, Patrick Harvie, Paul O'Kane, Colin Smyth, Paul Sweeney, Mercedes Villalba