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Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs)

Image description

Pauline McNeill

Scottish Labour

MSP for Glasgow (Region) 2016 - present day

Former MSP for Glasgow Kelvin (Constituency) 1999 - 2011

About Pauline McNeill

Contact details

Contact online

Contact at the Scottish Parliament

The Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP

Phone: 0131 348 6475
Text relay calls welcome.


Pauline is a member of 1 committee

Cross-party groups

Pauline is a member of 6 cross-party groups

Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Aviation


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Inflammatory Bowel Disease


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Medicinal Cannabis


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Music


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Palestine


Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Scottish Showmen's Guild


Parliamentary and Government Roles

Pauline has 1 parliamentary and government role

Scottish Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund


Party Roles

Pauline has 1 party role

Party Spokesperson on Justice

Scottish Labour

Previous roles

Pauline has had 32 previous roles

Previous roles in cross-party groups are not included in this list.

14 June 2017 - 29 March 2022

Scottish Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund


01 March 2021 - 04 May 2021

Party Spokesperson on Communities

Scottish Labour

01 March 2021 - 04 May 2021

Party Spokesperson on Local Government

Scottish Labour

01 March 2021 - 04 May 2021

Party Spokesperson on Housing

Scottish Labour

25 February 2020 - 04 May 2021

Local Government and Communities Committee

Substitute Member

16 June 2016 - 04 May 2021

Social Security Committee

Deputy Convener

04 October 2018 - 01 March 2021

Party Spokesperson on Equalities

Scottish Labour

04 October 2018 - 01 March 2021

Party Spokesperson on Housing

Scottish Labour

04 October 2018 - 01 March 2021

Party Spokesperson on Social Security

Scottish Labour

02 September 2019 - 01 March 2021

Party Spokesperson on Communities

Scottish Labour

28 June 2016 - 25 September 2019

Local Government and Communities Committee

Substitute Member

06 September 2018 - 10 September 2019

Economy Energy and Fair Work Committee

Substitute Member

09 January 2018 - 06 September 2018

Economy Jobs and Fair Work Committee

Substitute Member

08 September 2016 - 09 January 2018

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee

Substitute Member

25 May 2016 - 19 December 2017

Deputy Party Spokesperson on Communities

Scottish Labour

08 June 2016 - 16 June 2016

Social Security Committee


27 October 2009 - 22 March 2011

Party Spokesperson on Constitutional Affairs

Scottish Labour

16 September 2008 - 22 March 2011

Party Spokesperson on Culture

Scottish Labour

16 September 2008 - 27 October 2009

Party Spokesperson on Europe and External Relations

Scottish Labour

17 September 2007 - 16 September 2008

Party Spokesperson on Justice

Scottish Labour

13 June 2007 - 20 September 2007

Education Lifelong Learning and Culture Committee


18 May 2007 - 17 September 2007

Party Spokesperson on Education and Young People

Scottish Labour

10 June 2003 - 02 April 2007

conveners group


10 June 2003 - 02 April 2007

Justice 1 Committee


04 June 2003 - 10 June 2003

Justice 1 Committee


24 January 2001 - 31 March 2003

Justice 2 Committee


06 January 2003 - 31 March 2003

conveners group


24 January 2001 - 05 January 2003

Conveners Liaison Group


08 January 2001 - 24 January 2001

Justice 2 Committee


18 January 2000 - 07 January 2001

Public Petitions Committee

Deputy Convener

17 June 1999 - 07 January 2001

Justice and Home Affairs Committee


17 June 1999 - 18 January 2000

Public Petitions Committee


Register of interests

Pauline's register of interests

MSPs must provide details of their financial interests in the Register of Interests. They make an initial statement on becoming or being returned as an MSP. This is then updated with any changes they provide.

Here is the register for Pauline McNeill. The date of their initial statement was 02 June 2021.

Remuneration and related undertaking

No registrable interests


No registrable interests

Overseas visits

No registrable interests

Controlled transactions

No registrable interests

Heritable property

No registrable interests

Interest in shares

No registrable interests


I am a member of the GMB Trade Union.

From 20 to 22 August 2016 I was in London for a speaking engagement at a conference on the subject of Yemen. The cost of my travel to and from London was £208 and the cost of my accommodation was approximately £355. These costs were met by members of the Yemeni community. I do not consider that this visit meets the prejudice test.

I stood for election as a member of the Scottish Co-Operative party.

Recent Activity

What was said

What Pauline McNeill has said in Parliament

These are the official transcripts of what was said by this MSP in the chamber and at committee meetings. You'll find the topic discussed and how many times this MSP has contributed to the discussion.

Chamber meeting date: 10 October 2024

Prison Population

Pauline McNeill (Glasgow) (Lab): "Cabinet secretary, you have announced a substantial change in prison policy with the release of short-term prisoners who are 40 per cent into their sentence. I am sure that you will agree—"

Chamber meeting date: 10 October 2024

Prosecution Guidance on Public Safety and Prison Population

Pauline McNeill (Glasgow) (Lab): "I welcome the Lord Advocate’s statement that the prosecution policy on violence against women and girls and on domestic violence will be as robust as it has been until now…

Chamber meeting date: 9 October 2024

Legal Aid Solicitors

Pauline McNeill (Glasgow) (Lab): "As members will be aware, we are losing lawyers from the defence profession because we are unable to get a longer-term sustainable plan for the retention of much-needed lawyers across Scotland…

Criminal Justice Committee meeting date: 9 October 2024

Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Act 2022 (Early Expiry of Provisions) Regulations 2024 (SSI 2024/246)

Pauline McNeill (Glasgow) (Lab): "Good morning. It is interesting to note that the use of fiscal fines has fallen. Is there any information on the levels of fiscal fines that have been used? How often have the maximum fines been used…

Criminal Justice Committee meeting date: 9 October 2024

Pre-Budget Scrutiny 2025-26

Pauline McNeill: "Good morning. Lynsey, I will continue by asking a follow-up to Ben Macpherson’s question. In answer to his question, you said that there is a level of intensity required to pull together teams…


How Pauline McNeill has voted in Parliament

Find out how Pauline McNeill has voted recently.

Motion ref. S6M-14836

Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill

Submitted by: Gillian Martin, Aberdeenshire East, Scottish National Party. Date lodged: Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Supported by: Alasdair Allan
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Thursday, October 10, 2024

Result 94 for, 0 against, 7 abstained, 28 did not vote

MSP voted for

Vote Passed

Motion ref. S6M-14823

Free Bus Travel for Asylum Seekers

Submitted by: Maggie Chapman, North East Scotland, Scottish Green Party. Date lodged: Monday, October 7, 2024

Supported by: Ariane Burgess, Ross Greer, Patrick Harvie, Gillian Mackay, Mark Ruskell, Lorna Slater, Paul Sweeney
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Result 68 for, 27 against, 20 abstained, 14 did not vote

MSP not voted

Vote Passed

Motion ref. S6M-14825

Budget Priorities 2025-26

Submitted by: Ross Greer, West Scotland, Scottish Green Party. Date lodged: Monday, October 7, 2024

Supported by: Ariane Burgess, Maggie Chapman, Patrick Harvie, Gillian Mackay, Mark Ruskell, Lorna Slater
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Result 64 for, 52 against, 0 abstained, 13 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Passed

Motion ref. S6M-14825.3

Budget Priorities 2025-26

Submitted by: Shona Robison, Dundee City East, Scottish National Party. Date lodged: Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Supported by: Ivan McKee
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Result 65 for, 51 against, 0 abstained, 13 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Passed

Motion ref. S6M-14823.3

Free Bus Travel for Asylum Seekers

Submitted by: Fiona Hyslop, Linlithgow, Scottish National Party. Date lodged: Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Supported by: Ariane Burgess, Jim Fairlie
Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Result 68 for, 48 against, 1 abstained, 12 did not vote

MSP voted against

Vote Passed



Questions Pauline McNeill has asked

These are the questions that this MSP has asked in Parliament. It also includes any answer to those questions.

Question ref. S6W-30732

Asked by: McNeill, Pauline, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 17 October 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government how many secondary schools are currently running the Equally Safe programme."

Answer expected on 14 November 2024

Question ref. S6W-30484

Asked by: McNeill, Pauline, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 10 October 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide details of the current (a) COVID-19 and (b) flu vaccination programme, including in relation to (i) uptake, (ii) age group and (iii) how it is taking care of any transport issues for those wishing to attend an appointment."

Answer expected on 7 November 2024

Question ref. S6F-03394

Asked by: McNeill, Pauline, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 23 September 2024

"To ask the First Minister what the Scottish Government's response is to reports regarding the number of young people aged 11 to 14 who are involved in violent crime."

Taken in the Chamber on 26 September 2024

Question ref. S6W-28993

Asked by: McNeill, Pauline, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 8 August 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government what the current average waiting time is for a diagnosis of endometriosis, and what plans are in place to reduce the time for an endometriosis diagnosis."

Answered by Jenni Minto on 28 August 2024

Question ref. S6W-28994

Asked by: McNeill, Pauline, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 8 August 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government whether it will (a) implement a baseline for endometriosis care and (b) ensure that everyone with endometriosis gets access to care in line with NICE guidelines."

Answered by Jenni Minto on 26 August 2024

Question ref. S6W-28976

Asked by: McNeill, Pauline, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 7 August 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government whether it will implement menstrual wellbeing education to ensure mandatory age appropriate education in all primary and secondary schools."

Answered by Jenny Gilruth on 14 August 2024

Question ref. S6W-28621

Asked by: McNeill, Pauline, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 17 July 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to ask the Scottish Prison Service to undertake ligature audits at all prisons, and, if this is not the case, what the reasons are for its position on the matter."

Answered by Angela Constance on 6 August 2024

Question ref. S6W-28540

Asked by: McNeill, Pauline, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 11 July 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on what the current anticipated timescale is for the completion of HMP Glasgow."

Answered by Angela Constance on 30 July 2024

Question ref. S6W-28541

Asked by: McNeill, Pauline, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 11 July 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on whether the final design plans have been accepted for HMP Glasgow."

Answered by Angela Constance on 30 July 2024

Question ref. S6W-28466

Asked by: McNeill, Pauline, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date Lodged: 2 July 2024

"To ask the Scottish Government for what reason HMP Barlinnie’s target operating capacity is reportedly over 300 prisoners more than its design capacity."

Answered by Angela Constance on 30 July 2024

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