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Language: English / GĂ idhlig


Chamber and committees

Question reference: S6W-04407

  • Asked by: Carol Mochan, MSP for South Scotland, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: 16 November 2021
  • Current status: Answered by Maree Todd on 30 November 2021


To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to make school estates local and affordable sports hubs in order to increase participation in sport.


The vast majority of the school estate is the responsibility of, and managed by, local authorities. The Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Strategy and its guiding principles provide a platform for investment in the learning estate across Scotland and set out our strategic approach for managing the learning estate. One of these guiding principles is that learning environments should serve the wider community and where appropriate be integrated with the delivery of other public services.

The Programme for Government aims to address the inequalities in our society, and create a fair, equal society for all. The commitment to doubling investment in sport and active living is aligned to this wider aim and will be used to ensure we support participation across all groups and address inequalities in access to physical activity and sport.

As part of its ongoing commitment to develop the sporting system, sport scotland continues to work with local authorities to encourage and support them in widening access to school sport facilities. This has involved working in partnership with local authorities to support various aspects of their planning, including facilitating the development of local sport and sport facilities strategies, and supporting operational planning at individual school level, including developing Community Sport Hubs within schools.

Community Sport Hubs are delivered in partnership with the local authority, ensuring that there is full commitment to delivering community access to the school estate from the outset. Community Sport Hubs provide a home for sport. They bring together sport clubs and community organisations who want to develop and grow the sporting offering in the community. They focus on sustainable, community-led approaches that get clubs working together to develop a welcoming, safe, and fun environments for sport.