Submitting member has a registered interest.
That the Parliament notes the view that energy efficiency in the private rented sector, including in the Central Scotland region, must improve; believes that by taking a fabric-first approach, tenants’ homes could be warmer and that emissions from buildings might reduce, helping Scotland reach what it sees as the country's ambitious net zero targets; notes the recently-published research by Citizens Advice Scotland, Identifying the opportunities and barriers to Energy Efficiency in the Private Rented Housing Sector; understands that this research involved landlords, letting agents and estate managers; believes that they expressed a keenness to play their part in making their buildings more energy efficient and that a majority of those interviewed were supportive of new regulatory requirements for minimum energy-efficiency standards; further believes that the sector faces unique challenges to improvements and that there is a perceived lack of financial and technical support available to inform decision-making, and values the report’s recommendations regarding how housing in the sector can be improved.
Supported by:
Ariane Burgess, Alexander Burnett (Registered interest)
, Monica Lennon, Liam McArthur, Pauline McNeill, Alex Rowley, Paul Sweeney, Mercedes Villalba