That the Parliament welcomes the result of the independent medicine and medical devices safety review chaired by Baroness Cumberlege into the use of transvaginal mesh; understands that the report calls for the immediate suspension of mesh for stress urinary incontinence, the creation of a national database, a register of operations, all complications to be reported to the MHRA, the accreditation of specialist centres where mesh can be removed and a commitment to look at rectopexy as part of the ongoing review; believes this package of measures to be more extensive than what is in place in Scotland, where it understands women continue to be implanted despite what has been called a “Scottish suspension”; further believes that this is down to a loophole that allows surgeons to implant mesh under so called “informed consent”; calls for the Scottish Government to work with the UK Government to ensure that all women are protected; is concerned regarding a Scottish Government press release, which it understands claims that the "suspension" has led to a significant drop in mesh procedures carried out in Scotland, with procedures being reduced to just 5% of their previous rates in the last six months, and considers that this does not acknowledge that hundreds of Scottish woman have had transvaginal mesh procedures following the suspension, with all the health consequences that it believes this could bring.
Supported by:
Miles Briggs, Jackson Carlaw, Kezia Dugdale, Mark Griffin, Monica Lennon, Rona Mackay, Mark McDonald, Alex Rowley, Elaine Smith, Colin Smyth, Alexander Stewart