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Chamber and committees

Scottish Woodlot Association, a First for Galloway

  • Submitted by: Aileen McLeod, South Scotland, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Monday, 09 September 2013
  • Motion reference: S4M-07627
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, 30 October 2013

That the Parliament notes that a new form of forest tenure has been introduced in Galloway with the establishment of what it understands is Scotland’s first woodlot licence on the Corsewall Estate near Stranraer; considers that the concept of woodlots as a means of ensuring a diverse forestry sector has been proved over 30 years in British Columbia; considers that promoting a diverse Scottish forestry sector that encourages people to become involved in managing woodland for themselves is a positive development for rural Scotland; congratulates the Scottish Woodlot Association and the owner of Corsewall Estate, Angus Carrick-Buchanan, on agreeing the first Scottish woodlot licence, and hopes that this will be the first of many more to come.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Christian Allard, Colin Beattie, Chic Brodie, Nigel Don, Helen Eadie, Annabelle Ewing, Alex Fergusson, Rob Gibson, Patrick Harvie, Jamie Hepburn, Alison Johnstone, Colin Keir, Bill Kidd, Richard Lyle, Angus MacDonald, Mike MacKenzie, Joan McAlpine, Mark McDonald, Christina McKelvie, Fiona McLeod, Stuart McMillan, Elaine Murray, Gil Paterson, Dennis Robertson, Kevin Stewart, David Torrance, Jean Urquhart, Maureen Watt, Sandra White