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Chamber and committees

East Renfrewshire Business Named as Finalist for Diabetes Project of the Year

  • Submitted by: Jackson Carlaw, Eastwood, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 27 November 2024
  • Motion reference: S6M-15632

That the Parliament congratulates the East Renfrewshire-based business, Propharm Services, on being named as a finalist for the category of Diabetes Project of the Year at the 2024 Scottish Healthcare Awards; recognises that Propharm Services is run by a team of prescribing pharmacists, and that it has initially set up new face-to-face diabetes clinics in Glasgow and Lanarkshire to support people who are at risk of developing life-threatening health complications from the condition; understands that Propharm Services offers bespoke healthcare support to GP surgeries and can provide people who have received a diagnosis of diabetes with a specialised review to ensure that they are experiencing the most effective course of treatment; acknowledges that the nomination at the Scottish Healthcare Awards follows Propharm Services winning the category of Best New Product/Service at the East Renfrewshire Business Awards in June 2024 for the innovation of the business in establishing the pilot initiative to make a significant contribution towards improving healthcare outcomes for people who are living with diabetes; further acknowledges that the organisation also received the prize of Best Performing Business for 11 to 25 employees at an awards ceremony hosted by the East Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce; understands that the clinics launched by the team of prescribing pharmacists at Propharm Services could be replicated throughout Scotland to support diabetes patients, and congratulates everyone associated with the initiative on its early success and achievements.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Jeremy Balfour, Colin Beattie, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Sharon Dowey, Tim Eagle, Annabelle Ewing, Russell Findlay, Meghan Gallacher, Maurice Golden, Pam Gosal, Dr. Sandesh Gulhane (Registered interest) , Craig Hoy, Liam Kerr, Stephen Kerr, Douglas Lumsden, Paul O'Kane, Douglas Ross, Alexander Stewart, Paul Sweeney, Sue Webber, Annie Wells, Tess White, Brian Whittle