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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Chamber and committees

Women’s Right to be Heard in Afghanistan

  • Submitted by: Carol Mochan, South Scotland, Scottish Labour.
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 05 November 2024
  • Motion reference: S6M-15210

That the Parliament strongly condemns the recent reported decision by the Taliban, which has seen women forbidden from speaking in public in Afghanistan; considers that this comes as part of an ever-increasing attempt to completely dehumanise women in the country, including restricting the right to pray publicly, and to talk to each other; believes that this is designed to prevent women or girls from gathering or organising in any way; considers that this follows an extensive crackdown on women’s education and serves as part of an attempt to erase any notion of equality and prevent an entire generation of young women from having any ability to resist, and calls on the Scottish Government to do everything that it can to raise the plight of women in Afghanistan with partners at Westminster and internationally.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Colin Beattie, Neil Bibby, Miles Briggs, Ariane Burgess, Katy Clark, Bob Doris, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Annabelle Ewing, Stephen Kerr, Bill Kidd, Monica Lennon, Fulton MacGregor, John Mason, Pauline McNeill, Ash Regan, Colin Smyth, Kevin Stewart, Paul Sweeney, David Torrance, Elena Whitham, Beatrice Wishart