That the Parliament notes the recent publication of the Saving Babies’ Lives Progress Report 2024, published by the Sands and Tommy’s Joint Policy Unit; understands that the report analysed the latest data on stillbirth, neonatal mortality, preterm birth and evidence of the state of maternity and neonatal services across the UK; further understands that the report found that rates of stillbirth and neonatal deaths have declined in Scotland since 2010 overall but progress has been more variable since 2014; acknowledges that, according to the report, perinatal-related deaths were the most common cause of child deaths in Scotland between April 2022 and March 2023; supports the collaboration between the Scottish Government and Public Health Scotland to improve miscarriage data recording and build a more accurate picture of the number of miscarriages in Scotland; believes that improved data collection will result in improved policies; understands that the report listed several recommendations, which, it believes, would help realise an ambition to halve rates of stillbirth, neonatal death, preterm birth, maternal death and brain injury relative to 2010 figures, and commends Sands and Tommy’s Joint Policy Unit for their diligent work on this sensitive subject.
Supported by:
Clare Adamson, Jeremy Balfour, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Stephanie Callaghan, Maggie Chapman, Jackie Dunbar, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Annabelle Ewing, Joe FitzPatrick, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Rona Mackay, Ruth Maguire, John Mason, Audrey Nicoll, Kevin Stewart, Paul Sweeney, Evelyn Tweed, Brian Whittle