That the Parliament congratulates the members of 40th Aberdeen Girl Guide Unit on the unit's 100-year anniversary; notes that the unit was officially founded as the 40th Aberdeen (Mannofield Church) Company Girl Guides in 1924, and understands that it still meets at the same church 100 years on, with 25 members regularly attending; further notes that the unit continued during the COVID-19 pandemic with lockdown online meetings; understands that, in 1970, some Guides in the unit were presented with one of the first Queen’s Guide Awards; understands that the unit held a tea party to celebrate its centenary, and wishes all of its members and leaders the very best for the next 100 years.
Supported by:
Karen Adam, Clare Adamson, Jeremy Balfour, Colin Beattie, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Jackson Carlaw, Sharon Dowey, Jackie Dunbar, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Russell Findlay, Meghan Gallacher, Kenneth Gibson, Maurice Golden, Pam Gosal, Jamie Greene, Dr. Sandesh Gulhane, Craig Hoy, Stephen Kerr, Bill Kidd, Douglas Lumsden, Stuart McMillan, Edward Mountain, Douglas Ross, Alexander Stewart, Kevin Stewart, Paul Sweeney, David Torrance, Sue Webber, Annie Wells, Tess White, Brian Whittle