- Asked by: Finlay Carson, MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Friday, 24 February 2017
Current Status:
Answered by Fergus Ewing on 8 March 2017
To ask the Scottish Government what preparations have been made for Scotland regarding the UK leaving the common agricultural policy.
Scotland’s Place in Europe sets out our proposals for maintaining Scotland’s relationship with Europe, including the detail of a differentiated approach which would allow Scotland to retain European Single Market membership as part of the UK. The First Minister’s speech at the NFU Scotland AGM on 7 February set out further detail of the Scottish Government position and our commitment to supporting and developing the sector as we await further clarity from the UK Government on the implications of leaving the EU for Scottish agriculture. We will continue to work closely with our farming bodies for the good of the sector in Scotland and to achieve the best possible outcome for Scottish farming and farmers.
- Asked by: Finlay Carson, MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Friday, 24 February 2017
Current Status:
Answered by Fergus Ewing on 8 March 2017
To ask the Scottish Government how many officials in its Agriculture, Food and Rural Communities Directorate are working full-time or full-time equivalent on preparing for the devolution to Scotland of EU powers over farming.
Agriculture is already a devolved area. Staff across the Scottish Government Directorates are working in support of Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers on Scotland’s place in Europe.
- Asked by: Finlay Carson, MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Friday, 24 February 2017
Current Status:
Answered by Roseanna Cunningham on 7 March 2017
To ask the Scottish Government how many Marine Scotland staff are working full-time or full-time equivalent on preparing for the devolution to Scotland of EU powers over fisheries.
Fisheries are fully devolved and therefore once Scotland is no longer part of the Common Fisheries Policy, we expect that the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Ministers will continue to exercise full control over fisheries management in Scotland, and of all Scottish vessels. Marine Scotland is making preparation for EU exit, although we do not yet know what approach the UK Government will take during the exit negotiations. However, Scotland will continue to manage fisheries in order to ensure a sustainable and vibrant industry now and into the future. As part of good governance and risk management, all Marine Scotland staff are giving due regard to the need to plan for Brexit including, where appropriate, identifying and delivering actions necessary to prepare for the devolution of EU powers to Scotland.
- Asked by: Finlay Carson, MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Friday, 24 February 2017
Current Status:
Answered by Michael Russell on 7 March 2017
To ask the Scottish Government how many full-time or full-time equivalent staff it has working on preparing Scotland for the UK leaving the EU.
Staff across the Scottish Government Directorates are working in support of Ministers and Cabinet Secretaries on Scotland’s place in Europe. In addition to Private Office staff, there are currently 64 staff working in the Directorate for External Affairs in Scotland, which is the main Directorate supporting the work of the Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe. This number does not include the staff in our offices overseas who support the work of all Scottish Ministers.
- Asked by: Finlay Carson, MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Friday, 24 February 2017
Current Status:
Answered by Fergus Ewing on 2 March 2017
To ask the Scottish Government what preparations have been made for Scotland regarding the UK leaving the common fisheries policy.
The Scottish Government does not yet know what approach the UK Government might take to the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) during any negotiation on UK exit from the European Union. The Scottish Government has in particular sought an undertaking from the UK Government that it will not enter into an agreement with the EU to continue present arrangements that allow EU vessels access to UK and Scottish waters. The Scottish Government's view is that the rules of the CFP should not apply in Scottish waters if the UK leaves the EU.
Fisheries is a devolved matter under the Scotland Act, and so the Scottish Government has power over the regulation of sea fisheries in the Scottish zone of the UK Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Accordingly, the Government is undertaking discussions now with representatives of fishermen in Scotland and other interested parties about the design and conduct of fisheries management in the Scottish zone, and what improvements might be possible should the CFP no longer apply in our waters.
- Asked by: Finlay Carson, MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Monday, 20 February 2017
Current Status:
Answered by Roseanna Cunningham on 23 February 2017
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will review the need to licence sanctuaries and re-homing organisations as part of its review of the Animal Health and Welfare Act (Scotland) Act 2006.
The possible need for licensing and sanctuaries and rehoming agencies is being considered as part of an ongoing review of pet welfare. The Scottish Government has already held a number of meetings with stakeholders around that ongoing review; and will be looking at the need for regulation of sanctuaries and animal rehoming agencies. If the Scottish Ministers decide they need to be licensed, proposals will be brought forward in due course.
- Asked by: Finlay Carson, MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 1 March 2017
To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on the time taken to conclude cases in the courts.
Taken in the Chamber on 1 March 2017
- Asked by: Finlay Carson, MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Current Status:
Answered by Michael Matheson on 7 February 2017
To ask the Scottish Government what progress is being made with the Scottish Prison Service project, Shaping our Future.
I have asked Colin McConnell, Chief Executive of the Scottish Prison Service, to respond. His response is as follows:
Considerable progress has been made in formulating a series of proposals which are currently being considered by Scottish Government Officials as part of the formal advice process for Ministers.
- Asked by: Finlay Carson, MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Monday, 06 February 2017
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 9 February 2017
To ask the First Minister what steps the Scottish Government is taking to reduce the number of delayed discharges from hospitals.
Taken in the Chamber on 9 February 2017
- Asked by: Finlay Carson, MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Monday, 19 December 2016
Current Status:
Answered by Humza Yousaf on 10 January 2017
To ask the Scottish Government what costs were associated with roundabout upgrades in Scotland for wind turbine movement, how these costs were met and by whom.
Costs related to trunk road roundabout alterations to accommodate wind turbine movements are borne by the wind farm developers and as such we do not hold any information relating to this.