- Asked by: Maurice Golden, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Thursday, 17 November 2016
Current Status:
Answered by Roseanna Cunningham on 29 November 2016
To ask the Scottish Government what measures it is taking to achieve its target to reduce food waste by a third by 2025, and what assessment it has made of how effective these are.
We will shortly commence a series of wide-ranging stakeholder workshops to discuss what measures should be taken to achieve this ambitious target and to assess which options will be the most effective. These meetings will allow us to draw on the breadth of expertise and experience available across all of the involved parties, from consumers to food producers. As a first step, I announced last week the 2013 baseline for all food waste arisings in Scotland, the first time this has been calculated.
- Asked by: Maurice Golden, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Thursday, 17 November 2016
Current Status:
Answered by Roseanna Cunningham on 29 November 2016
To ask the Scottish Government (a) how many and (b) what types of jobs its circular economy strategy will deliver, and how many jobs have been delivered to date.
‘Making Things Last’ sets out our ambition and priorities to move Scotland towards a more circular economy, where products and materials are kept in high value use for as long as possible. These types of approaches can lead to economic benefits across a wide range of activities such as manufacturing, retail, transport, construction and repair. The strategy identifies the potential economic and environmental opportunities underpinning the prioritisation of our actions. We would expect the employment benefits of these interventions to become clearer as implementation proceeds.
- Asked by: Maurice Golden, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Thursday, 17 November 2016
Current Status:
Answered by Paul Wheelhouse on 24 November 2016
To ask the Scottish Government when it will publish proposals on increasing the share of community ownership in renewable energy schemes.
The Scottish Government's Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) offers a wide range of support including free advice and access to funding to support community ownership of renewable energy schemes. The support available under CARES has led to our target for 500 MW of installed capacity of community and locally owned renewable generation by 2020 being reached 5 years early.
We have made a commitment in our Programme for Government to continue with CARES and are currently in the process of retendering for a suitably qualified and experienced service provider to undertake the delivery of CARES up to 2020.
Our draft Energy Strategy which will be published for consultation early in the new year, will reaffirm our support for community and locally owned energy with new targets of 1 GW by 2020 and 2 GW by 2030 and a commitment for at least half of newly consented renewable energy projects to have an element of shared ownership.
- Asked by: Maurice Golden, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 30 November 2016
To ask the Scottish Government what analysis it carries out to ascertain which groups are most vulnerable to seasonal health risks.
Taken in the Chamber on 30 November 2016
- Asked by: Maurice Golden, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 02 November 2016
Current Status:
Answered by Roseanna Cunningham on 9 November 2016
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the review of the exemption from the requirement for food waste collections in rural areas, as set out in its strategy, Making Things Last.
We want every household in Scotland to have access to a food waste service and 80% of Scottish households now do so.
We will continue to discuss with local authorities on how best to achieve a 100% outcome. For towns in rural areas which don’t yet have a service, this might include a kerbside service, or for more remote communities, that might include community composting facilities.
Similarly with businesses in rural areas, we will be working with them to develop actions that will allow them to contribute effectively towards achieving our food waste targets.
- Asked by: Maurice Golden, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Monday, 07 November 2016
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 10 November 2016
To ask the First Minister whether optional religious observance in schools for 16- to 18-year-olds will support the values of a diverse outward-looking Scotland.
Taken in the Chamber on 10 November 2016
- Asked by: Maurice Golden, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 3 November 2016
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of recent figures published by SEPA suggesting that ministers did not meet their 2013 target, what action it is taking to improve household recycling rates.
Taken in the Chamber on 3 November 2016
- Asked by: Maurice Golden, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 26 October 2016
To ask the Scottish Government what steps it is taking to ensure that the implementation of the National Planning Framework protects biodiversity as well as greenspaces.
Taken in the Chamber on 26 October 2016
- Asked by: Maurice Golden, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 21 September 2016
To ask the Scottish Government when the Cabinet Secretary for Justice last met Police Scotland.
Taken in the Chamber on 21 September 2016
- Asked by: Maurice Golden, MSP for West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 08 June 2016
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 15 June 2016
To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to enhance education and skills for a circular economy.
Taken in the Chamber on 15 June 2016