Current status: Answered by Kevin Stewart on 30 June 2021
To ask the Scottish Government what action it has taken to implement the recommendations of the Scotland Eating Disorder Service Review.
As announced in March, the recommendations from the Review will be taken forward by an Implementation Group. On the 18 June we announced that the Group will be Co-Chaired by Dennis Robertson and a clinical lead who will be confirmed shortly.
We also announced we are providing £5 million of funding to respond to the recommendations from the Review in this financial year. The majority of this funding will be provided to NHS Boards to support them in responding to the increase in eating disorder presentations due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is Recommendation 1 from the Review. This funding is being provided from the £120 million Mental Health Recovery and Renewal Fund.
In addition, in response to Review recommendation 6 (Self-help Resources) and Recommendation 13 (Families and Carers), we are also providing funding to Beat, the UK’s Eating Disorder Charity, to provide a wide range of support options such as support to families and carers of those with an eating disorder; support for children, young people and adults who are currently waiting to be seen by services; and peer support services. We will shortly announce further details of this package of support.