Current status: Answered by Shona Robison on 25 November 2024
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-27073 by Joe FitzPatrick on 3 May 2024, in light of the minister's comment that the "intention is to agree and publish the framework in advance of Budget 2025-26", whether it has agreed a fiscal framework with local government and, if so, on what date this will be published.
We have made significant progress on delivering a Fiscal Framework with Local Government. The foundations of the framework are being applied in practice through the simplification and consolidation of the Local Government Settlement, development of clear routes to deliver local revenue streams such as the Visitor Levy and Cruise Ship Levy, and establishing more frequent and meaningful budget engagement. We continue to work with Local Government to progress the Fiscal Framework and intend to publish an update on the framework around the 2025-26 Scottish Budget and Local Government Settlement.