Current status: Answered by Natalie Don on 7 August 2024
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-27078 Natalie Don on 9 May 2024, in which it indicated its expectation that data on the scale, uptake and delivery models of breakfast provision across Scotland, both at local authority and schools' level, would be submitted to the Scottish Government in June 2024, whether it has received this data, and, if this is not the case, what the reasons are for the delay in the data being provided, and when the Scottish Government will report on the next stages.
The Scottish Government has been working with AssistFM and Improvement Service to map existing breakfast provision across Scotland, including a survey to all primary and special schools to understand the scale and uptake of provision.
A report with the findings from the mapping exercise was submitted to the Scottish Government in June 2024. The findings are being used to inform the government’s approach and we will report any decisions made about next steps once the data has been fully considered.