Current status: Answered by Gillian Martin on 15 May 2024
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Net Zero and Energy on 18 April 2024, what discussions it has had with (a) ExxonMobil, (b) Shell, (c) Fife Council, (d) SEPA and (e) trade unions, to date, regarding the development of a Just Transition Plan for Mossmorran.
The Just Transition Plan for Mossmorran is at very early stages of proposal, a comprehensive stakeholder engagement exercise will form a critical component of the work plan. The Scottish Government has had early engagement regarding the proposal with business operators. In line with the principles of co-design, it is our intention to engage extensively with all stakeholders including industry, the workforce, the local authority, UK Government, MSPs and the wider community. We will apply a place-based approach that will ensure that the views of all stakeholders are considered, working to reach collective agreement on the plan’s long-term vision and actions.