Current status: Answered by Mairi Gougeon on 18 January 2024
To ask the Scottish Government, regarding the potential impact on the fishing sector in Scotland, what representations it has made to the UK Government regarding a review of the English language requirements for fishing crew who enter the UK on a skilled worker visa.
The Scottish Government is strongly opposed to the current UK Government’s approach to immigration, which has failed to meet Scotland’s needs. The recent changes to the immigration rules are unacceptable. Increasing the Skilled Worker salary threshold by a third to £38,700 will limit the seafood and other sector’s ability to access the labour they require to grow and succeed.
We have consistently called for changes to Skilled Worker Visa provision to be made to ensure that route is genuinely proportionate and accessible to all parts of the fishing fleet. That includes ensuring that English language requirements – and associated costs for testing - are proportionate, whilst also recognising the importance of appropriate English language abilities to ensuring vessel safety and to reducing the risk of worker exploitation.