Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 21 December 2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-22659 by Patrick Harvie on 16 November 2023, what support is available for homeowners who are seeking to install renewable heating systems to meet net zero and heat in buildings targets, but for which current renewable solutions that are technically feasible would increase the running costs of the home.
Our technology-neutral approach to decarbonising homes across Scotland will enable home owners to choose the technology which is right for them, which may in many instances be a heat pump.
Although heat pumps are much more efficient than gas boilers, their running costs depend upon the price of electricity as well as the efficiency of the heat pump. This is why we continue to call for urgent action by the UK Government to use its reserved powers to rebalance energy prices and ensure that the running costs of clean heating systems are comparable to gas and other polluting systems.
We are proposing that homes across Scotland, where technically feasible and cost effective, will need to meet an energy efficiency standard by the end of 2033. Cost-effective energy efficiency measures will keep homes warmer and reduce the running costs of the home’s heating system.
We have a broad range of delivery programmes to provide advice and support for property owners. Through Home Energy Scotland, households can now claim grant funding of up to £18,000 (in rural homes) or £15,000 (in non-rural areas) to install clean heating and improve the energy efficiency of their homes.
Our fuel poverty programme, Warmer Homes Scotland, offers households clean heating systems where doing so would not increase running costs. Where clean heating systems are not appropriate, the assessor will recommend a suitable package of insulation and/or other heating options.
Our consultation on proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill includes a commitment to ensure that the right protections are in place to enable a transition which is just, fair and effective.