Current status: Answered by Angela Constance on 6 October 2023
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answers to questions S6W-20719 and S6W-20720 by Fiona Hyslop on 12 September 2023, and further to its meeting with Police Scotland in August 2023, whether it will provide an update on the proposed pilot National Dashcam Safety Portal, which was due to be implemented in January 2023, and when the timescale for the implementation of this road safety initiative will be known.
Police Scotland has concluded that a stand-alone portal is not the optimum route to create the capability for digital media submissions to be submitted by members of the public.
However, Police Scotland plan to utilise the Digital Evidence Sharing Capability (DESC) Programme, currently in pilot in Dundee, to build on the Scottish Government’s investment and make it easier to report poor road user behaviour, in support of making Scotland’s roads safer for all – especially for pedestrians and cyclists.
Timescales will be determined by the national rollout of DESC, which is expected to be complete during 2025. My officials remain in discussion with Police Scotland on this matter, as we look to implement this important road safety initiative.