Current status: Answered by Maree Todd on 6 March 2023
To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the announcement by the UK Government of a fund to stimulate innovation in occupational health, and whether it will investigate establishing a similar fund.
The Scottish Government has long recognised that health and work are inextricably linked. Creating workplaces which support and promote good physical and mental health benefits both employees and employers.
While health and safety legislation itself is reserved to Westminster, the Scottish Government is using its devolved healthcare powers to support the physical and mental health of the Scottish workforce. This includes the Healthy Working Lives service which provides advice and guidance to employers and the services offered by NHS Scotland. We are also considering Occupational Health provision as part of our update of the Fair and Healthy Work for All strategy this year.
Additionally, last year, together with Public Health Scotland and in partnership with a range of employers, Trade Unions, mental health organisations and public sector partners we launched a new mental health and wellbeing platform to help Scottish employers actively support and promote mental health at work.