Current status: Initiated by the Scottish Government. Answered by Fiona Hyslop on 19 March 2021
To ask the Scottish Government how the additional £70 million allocated to the Young Person’s Guarantee will be invested in 2021-22.
In February I informed Parliament that since its launch, the Young Person’s Guarantee has created around 18,000 additional or enhanced opportunities for people aged between 16 and 24 to help them into work, education or training.
Building on this early success and our on-going significant investment in education, employability and skills, we have committed an additional £70 million for the Guarantee in 2021-22. I am pleased to announce our initial allocations for the £70 million are:
This funding will build on existing local structures and networks to strengthen our support to young people. Our focus on local partnerships will ensure that the funding is able to respond to the diverse needs of Scotland’s local economies and meet the needs of young people. It will do so in a way that recognises the significant challenges facing young people and the changes anticipated within the labour market, such as the phasing out of furlough support.
It will create additional employment, education, apprenticeship, training and formal volunteering opportunities whilst also providing wrap around support to ensure young people are able to progress into sustainable and fair employment.
A central aspect of this investment is working with employers to create more jobs for young people. As part of our activity to implement the recommendations from Sandy Begbie’s initial report in this regard, Scottish and Local Government have agreed and published a new national Employer Recruitment Incentive (ERIs) framework. This framework will provide consistency across the country and set the national minimum standards for new ERIs starting from 1 April 2021.