Current status: Answered by Fiona Hyslop on 9 June 2020
To ask the Scottish Government how many applications for support from the Creative, Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises Fund it has received; what the total value of funding requested was; how many applications were approved, and what the total value of the awards made was, also broken down by the (a) creative and cultural, (b) tourism and (c) hospitality sector.
The Creative, Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises Hardship Fund (CTHEHF) provides support, unavailable elsewhere in the UK, for small creative, tourism and hospitality companies who have experienced at least 50% loss of current or projected revenue as a result of COVID-19 and are experiencing hardship. Due to significant demand we have increased the fund from £20m to £30m. The fund is administered by our enterprise agencies, which are currently progressing applications. The fund is now closed.
Each enterprise agency administers the fund in its respective area. The performance data are compiled by Scottish Enterprise on behalf of all three agencies. As applications are still being processed the fund’s performance data are incomplete. I have asked the Chief Executive of Scottish Enterprise to write to you this month as soon as the data you have requested can be reported.
Once all applications have been appraised and funding distributed, the intention is to publish information relating to the demand for CTHEHF and our other business support funds, including volume and value of applications.
As of 2 June, our targeted support funds to the creative, tourism and hospitality sector, along with support to SMEs who are vulnerable but vital to their local economies, and the newly self-employed have resulted in awards totalling £104m; that is grant offers to over 2500 businesses and 4160 self-employed people to date.