Current status: Answered by Joe FitzPatrick on 31 March 2020
To ask the Scottish Government what measures it is putting in place to ensure that all women can access abortion services during the COVID-19 crisis.
The Scottish Government has issued an approval to enable women having an early medical abortion to take both abortion pills at home. The intention is that this approval will remain in place during the Covid-19 outbreak. This will ensure patients can have their consultation by telephone or video call so they can follow public health advice to stay at home. Following the consultation, if the patient wishes to proceed, and where this is clinically appropriate for them, the medication will be delivered to their home. Patients will be given clear instructions on how and when to take the medication and will be given contact details they can call at any time if they have any concerns or queries.
Some patients will still need to be seen in person where there are clinical reasons for this, but this change should help minimise the number of patients attending clinics during the Covid-19 outbreak.
The Chief Medical Officer has written to NHS Boards to encourage them to implement this as soon as possible for those patients for whom it is appropriate. She has also asked them to ensure as part of their contingency planning that all women who choose to have an abortion can continue to access abortion services within the legal time limits.
Whilst there is a legal requirement for two registered medical practitioners to sign off each abortion, the CMO’s letter also provides further information to help NHS Boards continue to ensure the legal requirements are met and allow terminations to proceed without delays. NHS Boards have been asked to consider whether doctors can review a patient’s notes remotely and sign forms electronically. The Scottish Government understands that NHS Boards are willing to help one another with providing opinions on abortion and signing off if any individual Board needs support.