Current status: Answered by Jeane Freeman on 2 August 2018
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the Member's meeting with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport and the Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities on 19 June 2018, whether it can confirm that NHS inpatients will have guaranteed free access to a range of period products in all NHS board areas, and when this policy change will take effect from.
The Chief Nursing Officer has written to NHS Board Executive Nurse Directors to remind NHS Boards that sanitary products should be provided for all patients who need them, and that this is a fundamental aspect of their care.
The Scottish Government is clear that access to free sanitary products for patients in hospitals supports equality, dignity and rights for those who menstruate. Executive Nurse Directors are therefore expected to ensure that appropriate stocks of sanitary products are held either on wards or close by and that they are made available to patients when required. Patients should not be expected to rely on taking supplies into hospital with them or have to buy supplies from hospital shops.