The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.
All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 6868 contributions
Meeting of the Parliament [Draft]
Meeting date: 5 February 2025
Liam McArthur
Clare Haughey has a very brief supplementary question.
Meeting of the Parliament [Draft]
Meeting date: 5 February 2025
Liam McArthur
Please be brief.
Meeting of the Parliament [Draft]
Meeting date: 5 February 2025
Liam McArthur
Thank you, minister. I also thank colleagues for their co-operation in allowing us to get in so many speakers in the time available.
Meeting closed at 18:21.Meeting of the Parliament [Draft]
Meeting date: 5 February 2025
Liam McArthur
That was exemplary time keeping, Ms Grahame.
17:33Meeting of the Parliament [Draft]
Meeting date: 5 February 2025
Liam McArthur
The final item of business is a members’ business debate on motion S6M-16155, in the name of Mark Ruskell, on save local libraries.
The debate will be concluded without any question being put. I invite members who wish to participate to press their request-to-speak buttons now or as soon as possible.
Motion debated,
That the Parliament notes what it sees as the vital role that local libraries play in their communities, acting as central hubs for borrowing, learning, community engagement and sourcing advice and support; believes that the closure of libraries leaves communities without these vital services, and that this is particularly damaging for rural areas where libraries can be heavily relied on; considers that library closures have a disproportionate impact on vulnerable populations, including children, older residents and people with limited access to digital resources; notes the reported concerns raised by communities around the proposed closure of libraries across Scotland, including the threatened closure of those in the Perth and Kinross Council area; understands that local authorities have a legal obligation to provide public library services; believes that mobile libraries are often not suitable alternatives; considers that library services require adequate public funding to remain viable and have a critical role to play in achieving the Scottish Government’s priorities, including eradicating child poverty; believes that a closed library is unlikely to reopen, permanently limiting opportunities for the communities they once served, and notes the calls on the Scottish Government to help protect the future of Scotland’s libraries.
17:22Meeting of the Parliament [Draft]
Meeting date: 5 February 2025
Liam McArthur
Meeting of the Parliament [Draft]
Meeting date: 5 February 2025
Liam McArthur
The first item of business is portfolio questions, and the first portfolio is Deputy First Minister responsibilities, economy and Gaelic. I remind members that questions 3 and 4 are grouped together, so I will take any supplementary questions on those after the initial questions have been asked. There is an awful lot of interest in supplementary questions. I do not expect to be able to get through them all, but I will require brevity in questions and responses to get through as many as I can.
Question 1 has not been lodged.
Meeting of the Parliament [Draft]
Meeting date: 5 February 2025
Liam McArthur
That is not a point of order.
Meeting of the Parliament [Draft]
Meeting date: 5 February 2025
Liam McArthur
We need brevity in questions and answers, please. Karen Adam has a supplementary question.
Meeting of the Parliament [Draft]
Meeting date: 5 February 2025
Liam McArthur
I apologise to those members whom I was not able to call. We move to the next portfolio.