Meeting Agenda
The Committee will decide whether to take items 5 and 6 in private.
The Committee will take evidence on the Digital Government (Scottish Bodies) Regulations 2022 from—
Tom Arthur, Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth, Scottish Government
Albert King, Chief Data Officer , Scottish Government
Francesca Morton, Solicitor, Scottish Government
Paper 1 Paper by the Clerk posted 25/02/2022 (Ref: EFW/S6/22/6/1, 228KB, pdf)
Tom Arthur (Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth) to move—
S6M-03050—That the Economy and Fair Work Committee recommends that the Digital Government (Scottish Bodies) Regulations 2022 be approved.
The Committee will take evidence from—
Jennifer Henderson, Keeper of the Registers of Scotland, Registers of Scotland
Paper 2 Paper by the Clerk posted 25/02/2022 (Ref: EFW/S6/22/6/2, 102KB, pdf)
EFW/S6/22/6/3(P) (Private Paper)
The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting.
The Committee will consider its approach to scrutiny of two proposed common frameworks on public procurement and late payment (commercial transactions).
EFW/S6/22/6/4(P) (Private Paper)
Paper 5 Annexe A - Procurement Common Framework posted 25/02/2022 (Ref: EFW/S6/22/6/5, 1MB, pdf)
EFW/S6/22/6/6(P) (Private Paper)
Paper 7 Annexe C - Late Payments Common Framework posted 25/02/2022 (Ref: EFW/S6/22/6/7, 1MB, pdf)
EFW/S6/22/6/8(P) (Private Paper)