Meeting Agenda
Maggie Chapman will be invited to declare any relevant interests.
The Committee will decide whether to take items 5 and 6 in private.
The Committee will take evidence from—
Adrian Gillespie, Chief Executive, Scottish Enterprise
Douglas Colquhoun, Chief Financial Officer
Malcolm Roughead, Chief Executive, Visit Scotland
Carroll Buxton, Interim Chief Executive, Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Nick Kenton, Director of Finance and Corporate Service, Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Jane Morrison-Ross, Chief Executive, South of Scotland Enterprise
Anthony Daye, Director of Finance, South of Scotland Enterprise
EFW/S6/21/4/2(P) (Private Paper)
Paper 1 Paper by the clerk posted 10/09/2021 (Ref: EFW/S6/21/4/1, 108KB, pdf)
The Committee will consider the Scottish Government's consent notification in respect of the following instrument —
The Recognition of Professional Qualifications (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2021.
Paper 3 SI notification posted 10/09/2021 (Ref: EFW/S6/21/4/3, 121KB, pdf)
The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting.
EFW/S6/21/4/4(P) (Private Paper)
The Committee will consider its work programme.
EFW/S6/21/4/5(P) (Private Paper)
EFW/S6/21/4/6(P) (Private Paper)